Lipshaw on Leiter on Religion (Legal Profession Blog)
National Law Journal: The EEOC has announced a record $6.2 million ADA settlement of a nationwide class action against Sears over the firing of disabled workers. According to the NLJ, it is the largest ADA settlement in a single EEOC lawsuit.
Inside Higher Ed (Via Hit & Run): “David Horowitz is getting backing from his usual critics after Saint Louis University sought to change or block (depending on who you are talking to) a planned lecture he was scheduled to give next week on the campus.”
Bryan Burrough on Marc Dreier at Vanity Fair.
Cultural Studies: Bad Image or Food Fight?
The Great Cultural Studies Debate, Michael Bérubé at Crooked Timber
DeLong: Were Mark Yudoff to ask me, for example, I would have no hesitation
in recommending that Cultural Studies at U.C. Davis be defunded--and the money
transferred to U.C. Davis's fine History and Economics departments. (I knew the
funding fights would pick up again!)
A humanities bubble? The Times Higher Education (via Chris Bertram at CT): “The humanities are in the same state financial markets were in before they crashed. Assessing the growing mountain of toxic intellectual debt, Philip Gerrans considers going short on some overvalued research.”
Steve Bainbridge: It
will be a cold day in hades the next time I agree to do anything for the AALS.
Paul Caron: The
Next Federal Bailout: 'Great' Public Universities?
Mary L. Dudziak at
Legal History Blog: On
drones and the war power
Via Tyler
Cowen, the
current odds on the Nobel literature Prize. Prior winners here.
Speaking of Mark Yudof ... The New York Times, in last Sunday's magazine, interviewed Yudof. Here's the link:
Posted by: Tim Zinnecker | September 30, 2009 at 10:58 AM
Thanks for this Tim.
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | September 30, 2009 at 01:37 PM
It is unfortunate that Professor De Long now joins with Professor Bainbridge in calling for fellow U.C. faculty to be dismissed. Bainbridge callously called for the new law school at UCI to be shut down.
Posted by: Steve Diamond | October 02, 2009 at 03:50 AM