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September 14, 2009


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Paula M. Young, Associate Professor of Law

I open nearly every one of my classes with a cartoon that pertains to the topic we will discuss that day. I do it to help the visual learners. In addition, for several years, I included as a component of the final exam a cartoon that students had to caption with a caption that reflected the subjects dicussed in the course. I submitted the better captions for possible publication in the ABA's Dispute Resolution Magazine. I gave the students about four weeks to practice creating captions during the first ten minutes or so of class. It was one more way to emphasize the need for right-brained, creative thinking in the Dispute Resolution context.

Tim Zinnecker

One of my favorite cartoons (and I don't believe I have a copy any more) is from "Close to Home." The instructor is wearing a shirt that says: "Don't like my teaching? Call 1-800-YOU-FAIL." I'm reminded of that cartoon every semester when I distribute evaluation forms to my students.

Eric Fink

My favorite cartoon, from many years ago, is captioned "Philosophical Differences" and depicts a group of people (presumably faculty members), one of who is saying "Your arguments lack analytical rigor, and so does your mother," to which another responds (while raising his middle finger) "Oh yeah, well deconstruct this!"

Needless to say, I don't have that on the door to my office, but I do have it on a bulletin board above my desk.

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Amazing post
the wonderful way of learning ............through
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Can any one give me some funny Japanese animation cartoons?

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I gave the students about four weeks to practice creating captions during the first ten minutes or so of class. It was one more way to emphasize the need for right-brained, creative thinking in the Dispute Resolution context............

Thanks for Sharing...........

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hehe that sounds fun...*

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