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August 25, 2009


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Robert Waldmann

Thanks for the link


I'm reading Robert Waldman's post, and I keep getting distracted from his larger point by the fact that he repeatedly misspells "speech" as "speach".

For those who are wondering, web browsers such as Firefox have built in spell-checkers that would underline errors such as this even in blog posts.

Patrick S. O'Donnell

Dan Ernst of the Legal History Blog has found a possible solution to indulgence in such diversions (which are of course absolutely necessary in some measure until such time as our 'work' becomes at the same time 'play'):

Kim Krawiec

Can I just say that if someone responsible like Dan Ernst needs help avoiding the internet diversion then there's probably no hope for a slacker like me, short of electroshock therapy (which I note is no longer used in China to treat internet and blogging addiction --

Robert Waldmann

Dear Bmitchel

I use firefox. Spel checking doesn't work here in the comments window. Hmm doesn't worker over in the blogger window either.

Odd. I must have disabled it.

spelling programs

For those who are wondering, web browsers such as Firefox have built in spell-checkers that would underline errors such as this even in blog posts.

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