L.A. Sperm Bank Offers Celebrity Look-a-Like Donors
7:18 AM PDT, July 29, 2009
LOS ANGELES -- Want to have a baby that looks like your favorite celebrity? It just a whole lot easier to design your future baby, thanks to a Los Angeles sperm bank.
" California Cryobank" announced Tuesday that it has started posting photos of celebrities who resemble their donors to give prospective clients a better idea of what their potential offspring might look like.
"The number one client question we get is: `Who does this donor look like?"' said Scott Brown of California Cryobank. "We decided this would be a great way to give thorough and consistent answers. Clients love it. Look-a-Likes has only been available for a week and our Web site traffic is up 50 percent."
From the California Cryobank website:
Have you ever wondered if your favorite donor looks like anyone famous? You know how tall he is and his hair and eye color, but wouldn't it be great to have an idea of what he really LOOKS like?
Now you can find out with a CLICK of your mouse!
Researched and selected from the limitless expanses of the internet, CCB Donor Look-a-Likes can be actors, athletes, musicians, or anyone else famous enough to be found on the web. Worried you don't know enough pop-culture or watch enough TV to recognize the names? Not to worry... CCB Donor Look-a-Likes link directly to photos of the 2-3 celebrities our staff has deemed each donor most closely resembles.
The website includes a Look-a-Likes Search feature that produces a list of donors who resemble the listed celebrities.
And in an unhappy coincidence for Cryobank, the KTLA news story referenced above featured photos of these two celebrities:
(in an unrelated story, headline: Charles Manson Sent Note to Phil Spector) next to the Cryobank article.
But I guess you can’t complain about free advertising.
See U.K. To Reconsider Payments to Egg and Sperm Donors for a full list of links to prior sperm-related Lounge posts.