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August 11, 2009


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Tim Zinnecker

Kim, maybe it's time that we present an idea to the networks for a new reality show. "So, You Want To Be A Law Professor." I'm sure among Dan, Al, Laura, Kevin, Calvin, Kathy, Jacqui, you, and me we could write a "pilot" that would have the masses begging for more (think "The Apprentice" or "Who Wants To Be A Tenure-Tracker" or "Are You Smarter Than Richard Posner?").

I smell a Nielsen winner here!


Tim--excellent idea, though shouldn't it be "Are you smarter [more knowledgeable] than a 1L"?

But back to Kim's post, there's a long history of this sort of thing -- including flipping coins.

(The vignette is at the bottom of page 54, just above note 72.)

Colin Miller

The allegation in Vaise v. Delaval, the case that led to Mansfield's Law, the English progenitor to Rule 606(b) (the anti-jury impeachment rule), was that "the jury being divided in their opinion, had tossed up," i.e., resolved the case by "flipping a coin or some other method of chance determination."

Kim Krawiec

See, now the coin flipping is just wrong to me -- I do have some standards. I'm on board for the reality show advisory role, though.

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