USC’s Daria Roithmayr and Duke’s Guy-Uriel Charles on Why Race Still Matters at CNN.
On Sotomayor:
No one was surprised when the subject of race dominated the public conversation during Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation hearings. What was surprising was how unwilling both sides of the aisle were to talk about race openly.
And on Gates:
[W]e understand that the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. for disorderly conduct after he opened his jammed front door might be a signal of existing racism in law enforcement. But the better way to understand his arrest might be to acknowledge that whether one thinks this is the symbol of continued racism in law enforcement or an officer trying to do his job, in general, Gates' race affects his life chances and life experiences.
Read the whole thing here.
Law Librarian Blog brings us Practice and Procedure in Witch Trials – Monty Python style (yea, you’ve seen it before, but it’s still funny on the 800th viewing).
At The Volokh Conspiracy, Ilya Somin suggests A “Modest” Proposal for Bar Exam Reform.
Members of bar exam boards, such as the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners and presidents and other high officials of state bar associations should be required to take and pass the bar exam every year by getting the same passing score that they require of ordinary test takers.
And Ann Althouse says that Jack Kerouac did not text, but he did make lists.
Query whether Professor Somin would extend his argument and contend that tenured profs should, every six or seven years, prove they are satisfying the tenure standards imposed on tenure-track colleagues.
Posted by: Tim Zinnecker | July 29, 2009 at 06:33 PM
I did notice in the comments section that someone asked whether all first year property profs should be required to take and pass each other's exams.
Posted by: Kim Krawiec | July 30, 2009 at 05:27 PM