Readers may recall this post during my stint in March as a guest blogger, when I discussed Michael Goldsmith (one of my BYU law profs, and pictured), his battle with ALS, and his Newsweek editorial that prompted (at least in part) Major League Baseball to use the upcoming 70th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s “luckiest man” speech as the focus of a campaign to raise awareness of ALS and funding for its research.
That anniversary is tomorrow, July 4, when Gehrig’s farewell remarks will be read during the seventh inning stretch at all MLB games.
I contacted Professor Goldsmith a few days ago, and he mentioned that he will be a guest of Major League Baseball at Yankee Stadium for tomorrow’s afternoon game between the New York Yankees and the Toronto Blue Jays. Professor Goldsmith’s participation is the subject of a recent television news story (video available here). BYU's law school web site also states: "NBC Today Show is broadcasting a story on BYU law professor Michael Goldsmith Sat., July 4 at approximately 7:15 a.m. The NBC Weekend Nightly News is broadcasting another story on Professor Goldmsith that evening between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m."
As I watch these news stories and check the sports tickers tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of Professor Goldsmith and the valuable contribution he made to my legal education. Perhaps for a few minutes your thoughts, too, might turn in a similar direction to a family member, a friend, a colleague, or an acquaintance who is battling ALS.
For additional information on the MLB campaign – 4◆ALS Awareness – click here.
Update: my friend and mentor, BYU law prof Jim Gordon, tells me that Professor Goldsmith will throw out the first pitch at the Yankees-Blue Jays game tomorrow!
Update: MLB press release dated July 1 here.
Update: NBC Sports video story from July 4 here.