How do we characterize people we consider effete and out of touch? A popular term has been latte drinker. As in "Nancy Pelosi is a latte liberal." But I discovered some new language while plumbing the depths of Kim's UC Civil War post yesterday. The article references an op-ed in the Modesto Bee, by a fellow named Jeff Jardine (cached version here, for now at least), in which the offending parties at UC San Diego are called "sun-soaked, fish taco-eating egotists".
"Nancy Pelosi is a fish-taco-eating liberal." That just rolls off the tongue.
Personally, my favorite characterization upon those lines is Jonah Goldberg's immortal description of the French: "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys." Brilliant.
Posted by: Laura | July 21, 2009 at 06:11 PM