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June 18, 2009


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Colin Picker

The Economist a while back ran a short piece on Facebook, "Primates on Facebook: Even online, the neocortex is the limit" (Feb 26th 2009, The Economist print edition, available at ). That story discussed, among other things, research on the number of friends with whom one actually interacts in Facebook and how that number is actually in line with research on primate social group interactions (associated with grooming and so on). So - despite the technology, our behaviors may not be so different than when we were up in the trees with the chimps.

Cleo Torres

Not only that, but all this social networking is making holding down a job or maintaining your privacy incredibly difficult:


Interesting thoughts, but there is no way you can compare face to face comfort to online via facebook.

Broadband Boy

Facebook is the new face to face!

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