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June 17, 2009


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Archana Sridhar

(Disclosure at the outset: As Assistant Dean for Research at the IU Maurer School of Law, I work with our research centers quite a bit and think they really contribute a great deal to the school.)

I agree with the commenter over at Concurring Opinions that interdisciplinary ventures are ideally suited to a center model because there is then an institutional mantle for work that may have different incentives at play.

Centers allow a space apart from clinicals for community service and collaboration with nonprofits and other organizations.

Research centers at law schools are a vehicle to catalyze an intellectual community around a set of ideas. In order to be of value, they need to enhance the quality (and quantity?) of research produced by the participating faculty members. There needs to be an ongoing review process to justify the existence of such centers.

Faculty members who are given the directorships of such centers need to be institutional team players, and see their centers as a mechanism for enhancing the school's external relations - things like grantseeking, alumni/ae relations, admissions, and media relations. All of this takes a lot of work - meetings with donors, pitches to journalists, projects for students...

Jacqueline Lipton

Thanks so much for those comments. This seems to be a useful way to look at centers. I appreciate it.

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