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June 01, 2009


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Mary Dudziak

For responses, see also Scott Moss's excellent piece on Politico, also discussed here. Rosen himself pulled back a bit here. In a
NY Times article on this issue, the well-known radical feminist Judge Guido Calibresi called the criticism of Sotomayor "sexist." "Her behavior was identical," to other members of the 2nd Circuit, he said. [When I preview this comment, the links are not visible. If they don't show up when the comment is posted, I will repost with links.]

Mary Dudziak

Here's the same comment w/ the URLs visible:
For responses, see also Scott Moss's excellent piece on Politico, also discussed here: Rosen himself pulled back a bit here: In a NY Times article on this issue, the well-known radical feminist Judge Guido Calibresi called the criticism of Sotomayor "sexist." "Her behavior was identical," to other members of the 2nd Circuit, he said.

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