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June 04, 2009


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Isn't Drew Faust the first president of Harvard since the 17th century to have gone somewhere other than Harvard for college (or something like that)? Seems to me that she'd love to have new traditions.

Roger Dennis

Wouldn't the world be upside down if merit worked and Elizabeth Warren, a Rutgers grad, became the HLS dean!!!


As far as I can tell, Elizabeth Warren would make a great dean for my alma mater. It is incredible to me that sensible, intelligent people could actually consider where she went to law school as a relevant consideration at this point when she has presumably (or one would have thought) has proven herself, not only by being appointed to the faculty at HLS, but also by her many published works. It is like asking what score she made on the LSAT. Who cares? Many people do not have the benefit of good advice about how to choose a law school and if they are not already part of the elite, may not fully appreciate the consequences of attendance at a non-elite school. Or they may have financial or family considerations that limit their choices. Attendance at an elite institution is surely as least as correlated with wealth as it is with merit, perhaps more. It is discouraging that this fact seems so important to many people.

SF Attorney

You never know. Isn't Princeton's current president a Ph.D graduate of Temple University? Didn't seem to bother Princeton.

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