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June 17, 2009


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Tim Zinnecker

I question the mental acuity of parents who allow an 8- and 10-year old to fly alone. I'm not discounting the failure of the airlines to safely deliver this precious cargo to its intended destination. But parents who engage in this practice need an extra helping of common sense.

Chad Emerson

How does this happen anymore? Don't they still scan the child's ticket at the gate? If so, it should show up as invalid for that flight code. The only real way I could see this happening is if they forgot to take the child off of a plane whose continuing leg was not the child's destination. Even then, it would have to involve the dumb luck that the child was sitting in a seat that had not been sold on that continuing leg. Bizarre.

Jonathan Kamens

@Tim Zennecker:

@Chad Emerson: They were boarding two flights at the same time through the same gate. They scanned my daughter's boarding pass while boarding one of the two flights, then walked her down the ramp onto the tarmac and put her on the other one. Full details at

Travel Insurance

I have flown Continental a number of times and I swear I will avoid them at every opportunity. The service on LCC (low cost carriers) is actually better!


Some time before, I did need to buy a good car for my corporation but I didn't earn enough money and could not buy anything. Thank goodness my dude adviced to try to get the mortgage loans at reliable bank. Thus, I did that and used to be happy with my college loan.

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