Forget Bernie Madoff. Meet James Amburn, 56, a financial advisor who runs the investment firm Digitalglobalnet, who was kidnapped, beaten, and tortured by four middle-aged investors after Mr. Amburn lost £2 million of their savings in Florida real estate investments. According to yesterday’s Daily Mail, the four kidnappers, Roland K, 74, Willy D, 60, Gerhard F, 63, and Iris F, 66, attacked Mr. Amburn with a Zimmer frame (that’s a walker to us Americans) outside his west German home before binding him with duct tape and then keeping him in a cellar for four days where he “was burned with cigarettes, beaten, had two of his ribs broken when he was hit with a chair leg and chained up 'like an animal.'” Eventually, Mr. Zimmer, who was naked except for his underwear, was rescued by forty armed officers.
(HT: Felix Salmon)