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May 07, 2009


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Kathy Stanchi

Thanks for this interesting post calling out the Times on its penchant for euphemism. I stick with the Times, because it is better than most alternatives, but I admit that their use of language sometimes sets my teeth on edge (how's that for a visual?). Do you ever read Sunday's Public Editor column? Have you checked out the recent columns on the use of language related to the "CIA interrogation techniques"?

Pretty interesting. Given that some readers excoriated the Times for its use of the adjective "brutal" to describe the practice of bashing people against walls (I guess reasonable minds can differ!), I wouldn't hold out hope that the Times will openly call for the appointment of a liberal to replace Souter. I think the Times is too easily cowed by accusations of bias. But, hey, maybe they'll do it on the editorial page -- or get Frank Rich to do it.

Ok, I am done avoiding grading. Back to work.

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