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February 27, 2009


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Jacqueline Lipton

I couldn't have said it better myself, Tim. And if you use Expresso (as most of the top law journals now require/prefer), you'll find that the information you describe in your post is required/strongly encouraged as a matter of course. I do like your idea for the fall submission letter - maybe I'll try it myself. And I must say that I have some sympathy with law review editors being inundated with thousands of presumably very high quality manuscripts and having to review them and keep up with their studies at the same time. I hail from other jurisdictions far across the seas where legal academic journals (even law school journals) do not require student editors to review all articles but rely instead on (God forbid!) blind peer reviewing processes. The students still have plenty to do in the editing process without having to review every submission that comes in the door.

Jacqueline Lipton

I also wanted to add that one of my favorite parts of the law review submission process is when the journal sends you a rejection email the day after you send them the piece, and the email assures you that they have completed "detailed and careful review" of the article, but it doesn't fit their current needs.


Awesome post! Let's *all* use that cover letter. Please?


Poor choice of analogy, as explained here:

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