Walt and Kathy Viggiano of Wichita, Kan., convinced Judge James Burgess to return their four children from foster care in 1999, following their removal the year before because of the unsanitariness of the family's mobile home. Unlike in many such cases, Judge Burgess realized that the Viggianos had not abused the kids, nor did they have alcohol or drug problems. Also, according to police who made the initial investigation, Walt and the kids seemed to speak warmly and lovingly with each other, even though their intra-family banter in the presence of the investigators appeared to be entirely in Klingon (from "Star Trek"). [Wichita Eagle, 7-11-99, 12-2-98]
Are you implying that there's something weird about speaking entirely in Kligon? I hope no one leaks your email to legions of Star Trek fans...
Posted by: Laura | January 30, 2009 at 04:48 PM
Family law in USA covers a variety of issues such as, divorce, child support, marriage, premarital agreements, adoption and many more. Family law is complex and it varies state to state. When dealing with matters of family law, there are many technicalities an average citizen many not be aware to sacrifice their legal rights.
Posted by: Family Law | May 21, 2009 at 02:08 AM
Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.
Posted by: air jordan | November 11, 2010 at 03:06 AM