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October 17, 2008


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In general, many conservatives are intelligently angry, meaning that they write letters, call radio shows, boycott Oprah, and engage in various activities that support their agendas. I have learned that many conservatives believe the left-wing and various groups that support the left, are just as angry. This is just not true. This is why, even though there are more Democrats than Republicans in America, Republicans remain powerful. Glenn Beck, Bill O'reilly, and Sean Hannity all have shows on major networks, in spite of their claims of a vast left-wing media. I do not see many liberal hosts getting their own prime time cable news shows.

I am not surprised at the conservative response to Buckley's endorsement. It is just disappointing that people would prefer a biased idealogue over an objective writer.

Yet, it is also ashamed that Joe the Plumber is getting such negative publicity, simply because he questioned Obama's health care plan. If we have to support whoever is affiliated with our party, why even have debates? If we cannot hold our candidates accountable by questioning their positions and policies, why even feign concern about our future?


"I have learned that many conservatives believe the left-wing and various groups that support the left, are just as angry."

Haven't you ever read the comments section of the Daily Kos?

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