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July 29, 2008


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John C

"[F]or the rank and file, participating in amicus briefs or doing consulting is usually the peak of our influence."

Except, you know, educating, mentoring, and influencing the next generation of attorneys in America and around the world.


Yes, but as important as that is, it's a secondary kind of influence, not a direct one.

David Schraub

I'm pretty confident you mean Michael McConnell (who also is "currently Utah" in addition to "formerly Chicago") -- not the Senate Minority Leader.

John C

I don't know that I would necessarily define the influence of a teacher/mentor as "secondary" and not "direct" to "real world issues" (as opposed to "fake world issues"?). Is not a "real world issue" the preparation of attorneys?


Poor Ralph Winter ... needs both a first and last name to be recognized.


Secondary meaning that those you teach will turn around and have an impact on the profession. Primary meaning that your activities per se directly impact the profession and environs.

With the first, you can have a broader impact over time. They are both important.

Anyway, I think the point here is that being a major party Presidential nominee has more of a real-world impact than the 47th critique of the Coase Theorem.


Secondary meaning that those you teach will turn around and have an impact on the profession. Primary meaning that your activities per se directly impact the profession and environs.

With the first, you can have a broader impact over time. They are both important.

Anyway, I think the point here is that being a major party Presidential nominee has more of a real-world impact than the 47th critique of the Coase Theorem.

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