For the lover of useful lists, Tracy McGaugh's building a great one over at Millennial Law Prof: 101 Classroom Uses for a Cell Phone. Link to MLP above or below to join the discussion.
Steve Demby gets us started with ten that he thought of off the top of his head, but I'm determined that we can come up with 92 more. There are both students and professors who read this blog, so what can you think of (that's constructive and serves some educational purpose) that you can do with a cellphone in a classroom?
Here are Steve Demby's 10:
1) Check the spelling/definition of a word
2) Research a topic
3) Look up reference images
4) Pull up maps (even with satellite imagery)
5) Document a science lab with built in digital camera/video
6) Fact check on the fly
7) Mail questions to the teacher that they might be embarrassed to ask
8) Classroom response system
9) Take quizzes
10) Record and/or listen to podcasts
So post away! If you're reading this post, add a comment with at least one (yet unnamed) way to use cell phones in the classroom. Let's assume that the phone has standard phone capabilities as well as text-messaging, pictures, mp3 sound, video, and Internet. If your idea requires some kind of add-on beyond that (like a stand-alone keyboard) be sure to note that. If you're reading this post on a blog other than Millennial Law Prof, be sure to click over to MLP to leave your idea.
My contribution: Phone the tech department to tell them your tech isn't working. Beats running up and down 5 flights of stairs.
-Kathleen A. Bergin
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